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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tinkerbell Costume

My sister requested a Tinkerbell costume for Heidi this year.  Her whole family dressed up as Peter Pan characters.   Aren't they cute!

I made Heidi's tutu, fairy wand and headband.  It was my version of Tinkerbell.

Madison and Sidney also dressed up in tutus and carried fairy wands.  Madison got so much candy, she couldn't even carry her bucket at the end of the night.  She ate a piece of candy after dinner on Sunday and Monday and then she forgot about it. 

This is the best picture I got of Sidney sitting in her costume.


  1. Oh man, my son LOVED Peter Pan when he was little. What a great idea, and so sweet. I want to take Tinkerbell home with me! Sweeet!

  2. So cute that the whole family coordinated their costumes. They were all great, especially Tink.

  3. oohh!! Look at these angels, they are adorable, and these costumes are perfect, I don't like creepy and scary costumes for children on Halloween, I find it a bad tendency...

  4. Where did those cute tink tights come from? love it!
